Thursday, January 3, 2019

New Year Resolutions 101: Set New Intentions

*New* Adjustable Yin Yang Bracelet & More

New Year

With the New Year upon us, we feel it is important to reflect on the past year as well as set intentions for the year ahead. It's important to reset, realign and refocus our goals to reflect where we have been and where we want to go. 

When setting your intentions for the new year take time to think about what is important to you, these intentions can be anything, from finding a new passion or hobby in life, creating a work-life balance, finding peace within yourself, letting go of something, or even opening your heart to new love. The most important part when setting an intention is that it resonates with you. Remind yourself daily of what those intentions are to stay focused on your overall goals as well as letting these intentions evolve with time. 
Both the Yin Yang & Buddha are symbols to help you remain focused your goals and intention as the new year progresses. They serve as a reminder to stay true to yourself. Along with those symbols, certain metals and stone can help guide specific intentions. 

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New Year
Yin Yang
Tibetan Buddha


The Yin Yang is a symbol of Balance, Passion & Wholeness. Its roots originate in Chinese Philosophy with the belief that opposites attract and complement one another to create a whole. It is the perfect symbol for those trying to find balance, which may be between work-life balance or finding harmony between personal goals and family goals. 


The Buddha is a predominant symbol in the Buddhist culture and represents Balance, Focus & Power. There are many different forms of Buddhism, one, in particular, is Tibetan Buddhism. There are 4 main spiritual practices within Tibetan Buddhism, the first Renunciation, the second is Bodhicitta, followed by Emptiness and finally Vajrayana.


For those looking for the strength to let go of something in their life, Silver represents both Strength & Prosperity. Having the strength to let go will bring new opportunities into your life.

For those looking to find love Rainbow Steel represents Freedom & Love. Whether you are looking to find love in yourself or others it's important to open up and have the freedom to do so.​


For those looking to find inner peace Jasper represents Restoration & Balance. Allow yourself the time to heal and through healing, you will find restoration and balance. 

And for those who are still trying to find clarity in their intentions goal for this New Year, Quartz represents Clarity & Power. Allow yourself to take time to think about what is important to you. 

New Year
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